"Uh-oh! Where
were they coming from? It's beautiful! Do they grow apples like this around
here?" said the young man, amazed to see the guard of the lighthouse
holding a portion of apples on his hands, with going beyond himself.
From 'Ginga tetsudo no yoru' by Kenji Miyazawa
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Welcome to the website of our Fruit Lab!
In our research unit, the first professor, Dr. Masao Iwamasa, started
to introduce citrus cultivars and germplasms from inland of Japan and overseas
in 1974. Thereafter research on classification, bioactive compounds for
good health, morphological dissection of embryogenesis, and breeding for
healthy ingredient in citrus has been conducted by the former prof., Drs
Masanobu Nito and Ryoji Matsumoto.
We would like to take over the project of the germplasm collection of
citrus and its relatives (Aurantioideae) and aim to clarify the genetic
characters and functional substances such as secondary metabolites in tree
fruits based on plant morphology, natural proucts chemistry, molecular
biology and genetics. In addition, we would like to explore and open up
the novel possibilities in fruit trees and horticulture.