Date Event
24.11.10-15 Fruit Lab】 Kotoda, Le (D2), and Yamashita (M2) attended the 15th International Citrus Congress in Jeju, Korea. Yamashita-kun received a best oral presentation award!
23.06.02 【Scholarship by Japanese Government】 If you want to study molecular mechanism of flowering in fruit trees or secondary metabolites of citrus, apple, papaya, and passion fruit etc. and get MS/Ph.D in this lab,
1) Take a exam through Japanese Embassy (May - July, depending on countries) or JICA.
2) After passing the examination, contat Prof. Dr. Kotoda
3) According to the CV and motivation, acceptance or not will be considered.
20.09.27 Scholarship by Japanese Government】 If you want to study molecular mechanism of flowering in fruit trees or secondary metabolites of citrus in this lab, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Kotoda. He will recommend you to apply for Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT scholarship), which supports students from overseas financially to get MS or Ph.D degree in Japanese universities incluidng Saga University for two to five years
Requirement: less than 35 years old, IELTS score
20.08.03 【Recruiting Posdoc by JSPS】 If you are interested in flowering mechanism or secondary metabolites in fruit trees like citrus and apple, please try to apply for JSPS fellowship. 2nd Recruitment (Arrive by September-December 2021)will be closed in early April 2021. Contacting me by December2020 would be recommended if you want to apply for it.
20.02.29 【Fruit Lab】 A foreign student was adopted as a recipient of a private Japanese foundation after selection. He will join us in the school year 2020.
20.01.26 【Fruit Lab】 Doctorate examination was finished finally.
20.01.13 【Fruit Lab】 A paper on limonoids was accepted.
19.11.25 【Fruit Lab】 A paper on polymethoxyflavones was accepted.
19.11.05 【Fruit Lab】 Dr. Islam joined our Fruit Lab as a JSPS fellows.
19.08.07 【Recruiting a Posdoc by JSPS】 If you are interested in flowering mechanism or health-promoting secondary metabolites in fruit trees like citrus and apple, please try to apply for JSPS fellowship. 2nd Recruitment (Arrive by September to November 2020)will be closed in next April 2020. Contacting me by this December (4 months before deadline) would be recommended if you want to apply for it.
19.08.01 【Fruit Lab】 Dr. Islam was selected as a PostDoc fellow of the JSPS Postdoctral Fellowships for Research in Japan! Congratulations!
19.04.06 【Scholarship by Japanese Government】 If you want to study molecular mechanism of flowering in fruit trees or secondary metabolites of citrus in this lab, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Kotoda. He will recommend you to apply for Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT scholarship), which supports students from overseas financially to get MS or Ph.D degree in Japanese universities incluidng Saga University for two to five years
Requirement: less than 35 years old, IELTS score
19.01.09 【Fruit Lab】 The photo of our members updated
18.10.29 【Fruit Lab】 Dr. E. Varkony-Gasic visited us from NZ.
18.09.19 【Scholarship by Japanese Government】 If you want to study molecular mechanism of flowering in fruit trees or secondary metabolites of citrus in this lab, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Kotoda. He will recommend you to apply for Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT scholarship), which supports students from overseas financially to get MS or Ph.D degree in Japanese universities incluidng Saga University for two to five years
18.08.18 Cambodian students will visit us from Kumamoto Univ. by Sakura Science program on 26th August.
18.05.28 【Fruit Lab】 3rd-year students of our lab will attend the International Student Conference held in Thailand.
18.05.11 Research aid for plants was kindly given to Dr. Kotoda by Ichimura Foundation for New Technology.
18.04.08 【Recruiting Posdoc by JSPS】 If you are interested in flowering mechanism or secondary metabolites in fruit trees like citrus and apple, please try to apply for JSPS fellowship. 1st Recruitment (Arrive by April - September 2019)will be closed in late August 2018.Contacting me by June would be recommended if you want to apply for it.
18.04.05 Fruit Lab restarted with 1 Ph.D candidate, 2 MS students, 9 unergraduate students, 1 visiting researcher and 1 staff from 13:00 on April 5th.
18.01.09 Dr. Kotoda visited and stayed in Myanmar with Dr. Nagano of Analytical Research Center for Experimental Sciences at Saga Univ. for two weeks.
17.12.10 [members] updated
17.11.27 Kotoda gave a talk about mandarins in Jeju, Korea
17.08.14 ISHS13th International Symposium on Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Production will be held in Chiba, Japan on 27th-31th August. Dr. Kotoda will talk about the flowering mechanism in fruit trees.
17.06.13 A overseas student was selected as a recipient of Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarships.
17.05.13 The flower of a kiwifruit 'Koryoku' bloomed.
17.04.16 【Recruiting Posdoc by JSPS】 If you are interested in flowering mechanism or secondary metabolites in fruit trees like citrus and apple, please try to apply for JSPS fellowship. 1st Recruitment (Arrive by April - September 2018)will be closed in late August 2017.Contacting me by June would be recommended if you want to apply for it.
17.04.14 A party for the new school year was held in our lab. One Ph.D and 1 MS, and 9 undergraduate students started to study here!
17.03.24 Graduation party was held in Hotel New Otani and three bachelor and one master degrees were given to graduates from our lab.
Fujisawa-san received the highest honor of undergraduates from the dean of Faculty of Agriculture and address the speech of thanks as a representative of all graduates.
17.02.11 A Saga University sohrt film is here! It's interesting and helpful for the future foreign students of Saga Univ.
17.01.23 【Academic Exchange Program】SPACE (Saga University Program for Academic Exchange) is a special program designed for international students from affiliated universities around the world. If you are intereted in this program, please visit here.
The application deadline for Fall Semester Admission 2017 is March 15, 2017
16.12.26 A new indigenous citrus variety identified from Bhutan
16.10.20 Post-graduate program for global human-resorces development (PPGHD) in the graduate school of agriculture, Saga University
16.10.16 Tshering Penjor-san, who took MS degree in this area, came to our university and stayed for 2 weeks.
16.10.09 [Member] A collaborative researcher joined our lab from October.
16.10.01 【Posdoc by JSPS】 If you are interested in flowering mechanism or secondary metabolites in fruit trees like citrus and apple, try to apply for JSPS fellowship. 2nd Recruitment (Arrive by September 1, 2017- November 30, 2017)will be closed in May 2017 (For 2nd recruitment, please contact Dr. Kotoda by March 2017).
16.08.30 【Event】 2 days open lab will be held on 27-28th September for the first and second year student studying in the Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Saga Univ.
16.08.01 [Publication] A submitted paper on gibberellin 2-oxidase genes of Satsuma mandarin was accepted to The Horticulure J.
16.06.18 【Scholarship by Japanese Government】 If you want to study molecular mechanism of flowering in fruit trees or secondary metabolites in this lab, I will recommend you to apply to Japanese Government Scholarship, which supports students from overseas financially to get MS or Ph.D degree in Japanese universities incluidng Saga University for two to five years
16.06.17 【Recruiting Posdoc by JSPS】 If you are interested in flowering mechanism or secondary metabolites in fruit trees like citrus and apple, please try to apply for JSPS fellowship. 1st Recruitment (Arrive by April - September 2017)will be closed in September 2016.
16.01.27 【Recruiting Posdoc】 If you are interested in horticulture science, especially flowering mechanism in woody plants, or secondary metabolites in citrus, please try to apply for JSPS fellowship. 2nd Recruitment(Commencement: September 1, 2016–November 30, 2016)Application Period: April 26, 2016-May 6, 2016)
15.10.24 【Scholarship for graduate students in overseas】 Saga university has own scholarship to support graduate students in overseas who want to study with staffs in graduate schools of Saga university for less than one year. The deadline for application is December 1st (start to study from April 2016) and March15th (start from October 2016).
15.06.27 【Japanese Government Scholarship】 If you want to study health-promoting compounds (flavonoids, carotenoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, and vitamins, etc.) and its biosynthesis or molecular mechanism of flowering in fruit trees, such as citrus, apple, pear etc. here in this lab, I will recommend you to apply to Japanese Government Scholarship, which supports students from overseas financially to study in MS or Ph.D course in Japanese universities incluidng Saga University for two to five years. Annually, about 5-10 students are seleted as the recipients in Saga University. If you are interested in the research in our lab, please contact Dr. Kotoda
15.04.27 【Recruiting Posdoc】 If you are interested in horticulture science, especially flowering mechanism in woody plants,
or secondary metabolites in citrus, please try to apply for JSPS fellowship
14.06.01 [Recruiting MS and Ph.D students] Entrance examination schedule for MS and Ph.D course is here. Application deadline is mid-July and exam will be held in late-August. We welcome students from overseas as well as from inland!
14.05.30 HP in English ver. was launched (under construction).
13.07.01 Dr. Kotoda moved here as Associate Prof (PI) from NIFTS